ATV4:1Yarns inspired by stitch and marks
Brief: looking at stitched paper and fabric pieces from Assignment 2, select 1 or 2 where you feel the qualities of the lines and marks are exciting and potentially inspirational.
- create a variety of 30cm lengths of yarn with a range of different thicknesses and textures with a: * 1cm repeat, * 5cm repeat and * random patterning/ design
2. Develop 3 further designs based on the 30cm explorations but in a 100cm length.
I started by looking through some very inspirational books I have, Stitch and Structure by Jean Draper, Drawn to Stitch by Gwen Hedley and Layered Cloth by Ann Snell. These books to me talk about what I find so exciting about textiles, I love texture and structure and deconstruction and patterns… Anyway! I then started looking at my part 2 work to find some pieces to use as inspiration. My textiles pieces had been rushed and not as thoroughly worked through as my paper pieces, I will re-do these at some point but for now I decided to use the following stitched paper pieces:
I find the pleats and especially the areas of dark and light, the sadows created by the stitches, in the first piece very exciting. In the second piece it is again the high contrast, the shadows cast when holding the picee to the light that I found inspiring but with the added burnt random blisters on the paper. I appreciate that it was the photographs of the pieces that excited me and not so much the actual stitching as I could have experimented lot more with these. So I am using the photographs as a starting place, I hope that is ok.
I found it took a bit of time to find my feet here, and the first two yarns weren’t as interesting as I had hoped. I have included photographs of them as they show a process but I may not send them in as they are. I may play with them a bit more.
I decided to remove my yarns from the piece of foam board I had wrapped them around. They didn’t display well once mounted as half the yarn was hidden. Also I decided to keep the mounting and displaying the same throughout the whole assignment for consistency.
These are my 30cm pieces:
This photo shows the 3cm repeat I created. I used a zigzag stitch on my sewing machine to eminate the pleats, fabric scraps as the body of the yarn and braids used for hair plaits to mimic the bubbles from piece 2. I really enjoyed creating this!
5cm repeat: I ended up taking some of the eyelash yarn out of piece number two and adding some orange leather rope and knotting it onto the hoops:
This was meant to be the 5cm repeat although looking at it now I was a bit wild and it’s not quite a repeat, it’s slightly too random so it’s one of my two random pieces!. I used lace ribbon, bubbles from bubble wrap, pieces of netting from a bag of oranges and again a zigzag stitch on the sewing machine to hold it al together
The final 30 cm piece (the actual random repeat) has taken some of the elements of the first two repeats, it has lace ribbon albeit a different one, orange netting and lots of thread from other sewing projects as well as slivers of fabric remnants. I feel these pieces have a movement, an energy, an excitement that I had hoped to have in my stitched fabric pieces for assignment 2.
Next were the 100cm pieces:
The first piece uses some of the same ideas of the 30cm pieces, maybe not different enough but I loved creating it and I feel it’s pretty exciting
This piece was created using pompom trim, wool roving and orange netting
This piece was created with silk sari remnants, purple tangerine netting, glittery yarn and the holes from plastic binder sleeves