ATV5 5:1
Project 1 Developing visual research
“the studio is a laboratory, not a factory. An exhibition is the result of your experiments, but the process is never ending. So an exhibition is not a conclusion” Chris Ofili
I feel whilst I am creating that the process is more like cooking than baking, more of a “I wonder what would happen if I add this” rather than a methodical and exact process, definitely more lab than factory. However to me an exhibition feels like a conclusion. I like finishing projects and moving on to new things. I don’t much like going back and re-working old ideas or themes, there is too much new and exciting stuff to get stuck into! I have however enjoyed going back to use older work to inform new work in this module, this is a new way of working to me. At the end of this course though I know I will be ready for new work, for new challenges, a new course. I could carry on experimenting but I do actually feel done and would feel it would become a chore if I carried on going back to this work over and over.
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Reflecting: I am proud of what I have learned and achieved on this course so far! I hadn’t drawn anything for almost ten years really and it’s been fun to sit down and look at things and get the feeling of them down on paper. I have loved learning to be free and drawing without looking and with my non dominant hand. I feel I am good enough at sketching now to be creative with it and to use it for my textile work. I am not good at being very accurate and I am not good at taking a long time over a drawing but I feel my loose style is very me and it is ok not to be a great artist!
Option 3 Floral compositions
I set up a still life with houseplants to make a new body of work. I loved the colours and the textures of my plants! I enjoyed the variety of work I created from my still life and felt this was maybe the strongest part of my assignment. I do feel I didn’t really translate the joy and enthusiasm for the textures and colours into the paper explorations.