ATV5 feedback
Overall Comments
Jennie you have created an interesting final assignment that continues the energy from assignment 4. You have made a lot of effort with your sketch/workbook and the outcome is interesting so well done, as I know this has been a steep learning curve for you. You have made progress through this course and you demonstrate a developing understanding of the need to be experimental and to develop your ideas further. You have learnt new skills, and have worked at expanding your own skill set by exploring different approaches to your drawings and making. Well done Jennie.
Feedback on assignment
You have selected some interesting sources of inspiration and you have created a few visual recordings to capture their essence. I particularly like the colourful still life work. You demonstrate that you have considered idea development with substrate explorations in your book. You demonstrate an understanding of the creative process through to textile/yarn sampling. The yarn samples are the strongest as they are similar to the successful samples in your last assignment.
The capsule collection;
Some of the last samples in the book work really well and I can see the idea development from the fluid lines and exaggerated colour inspired from the plants. The pieces with crochet are really interesting and I can see the strong influence of Vasconcelos’ expansive crochet works, and which are both so inspirational. These pieces of the collection have a confident, playful quality that is dynamic and exciting. The three strongest; pink yarn with embroidery, and the two pieces with crochet all have a strong connection. But you need to link to all of the pieces so they are a whole collection.
The second sample with blue yarn is less considered. I’d like to see some of your yarn development from assignment 4, ideas come through in this sample, as that would greatly elevate its outcome.
I feel the slashed piece is less successful too as the colour does not fit, it does not have the same vibrant and energetic feel. I like the way you have small pieces of fabric creating a line across the piece and this could be emphasized with stronger colour. I suggest you revisit this piece, as it needs more development to become a cohesive part of the collection.
The circular embroidery piece needs development too, so I suggest you revisit this piece, develop your ideas and work into it.
Consider the essence of plant still life and the qualities you want to translate. This is important and needs to be developed with the weaker samples to push the potential of the whole collection. Revisit the suggested samples and resolve and rework to develop a stronger capsule collection.
I felt the final collection was linked together through colour, all the pieces had the same colours at their heart, blue, and a hint of green, all taken from the drawing of my plant. Perhaps that hadn’t been made clear enough. I do admit not all the pieces were equally strong, alhough I felt the slashed piece was, if slightly more muted, still obvioulsy part of the collection. I agree the piece with the blue thread seems unfinished, a half-hearted attempt compared to the other pieces. This was the last piece to be created and the lack of time really shows here. My time management has got a lot better throughout the course but unfortunately I do need to feel the hot breath of a deadline at my wheels before I get really creative, I just don’t create well until then. I can do sampling and writing in the preceding months and weeks but the final work takes place in the last week before submission day and this piece has suffered from lack of time I admit.
Reread the assignment for ideas and draw on your stronger work and skills you have developed, yarn samples etc.
In terms of overall presentation, you need to consider the capsule collection and how the pieces will link together visually when presented. Again read the handbook carefully for guidance.
I suggest you use card for the back cover of the capsule collection book, for a heavier sturdier cover. You also need to consider the front cover of this book as you have with the previous assignments, it should reflect the collection.
As I opened the book most of the samples fell out so if double-sided tape doesn’t work try a stitch in two or three corners. Its always good to leave a side free so the fabric can drape and it can be touched between finger and thumb.
Do ensure you send all your work, don’t rely on photos, as they don’t always portray the whole story well.
Overall I can see you have really enjoyed this assignment and it shows in your outcomes, you have more confidence, fluidity and spontaneity, which should be continued into your next course.
You have shown a strong passion and love of your subject throughout this course, you should be proud of your creative journey and all you have achieved. Well done.
We discussed sketchbooks at length and I have given you advice and suggestions in previous assignments. You have been working with an online course that focuses on sketchbooks and how recently working through the assignments you have managed to make sense of it.”
We have discussed many options and you have been mindful that you needed to develop this skill so well done, keep working on this.
“I feel I am finally starting to get a bit of the missing link between my sketchbook and my textile work”. This is great news and your sketch/workbook has certainly improved. Some pages are dynamic and full of colour, with really interesting structures, pullouts and textures.
My sketchbook has become more of a work book, with me playing with colours and textures rather than jotting down ideas for future work. I am inspired by materials and led by these when creating, I find working from a drawing stiffles my creativity, we have discussed this at lenght and still haven’t entirely resolved this. I am always looking forwards and never flick through sketchbooks or work I have created for inspiration, I alwasy start with something fresh. Some of the course has absolutely forced me to work into my own work and this has been an interesting process but I’m afraid I feel too set in my ways to make this a permanent change. Hence I don’t use sketchbooks to jot down or work through ideas, inspuration comes in a flash, in my head, whilst I am making/ sewing/ knitting/ drawing. I have learnt to try and come up with a process of recording this perhaps afterwards but it slips my mind constantly and yet again I have found I haven’t touched a sketchbook for months on end. I have done various drawing courses and I really enjoy drawing but cannot seem to make the jump to designing by drawing. I understand you need to see my thought processes and not just the finished piece so I know I have to resolve this but remain unsure how. My best work is done on the hoof, as I go, you can feel the excitement and joy in these pieces. The ones I have been forced to design on paper first feel stilted, off, not like mine.
You have progressed in the development of your blog, you are developing your ability to reflect and analyse your work in context, research points are investigated well and you have recorded museum and gallery visits. You have started to find your own personal voice and this will continue to develop as you gain in confidence and work through the courses.
Pointers for the next assignment
- To reflect on this feedback in your learning log.
• Be thoughtful when presenting your capsule collection.
• Label all work clearly and appropriately to ensure your progression is easy to follow for the assessors.
• Submit all your sketchbooks and work so far, don’t leave anything out as it tells your creative story of how you have progressed to this point.
• Read through the OCA Guide on Submitting Work for Assessment and the Submission Guidelines thoroughly.
•Well done Jennie! Please don’t hesitate to e mail me with any questions regarding the feedback. Good luck with your assessment and future courses. Remember to approach your new course with all the knowledge and confidence