MMT1 feedback
Summary of tutorial discussion
Demonstration of technical and visual skills, quality of outcome, demonstration of creativity
You have sent through a good body of work here, this is a positive start to the course, well done. You have worked through the techniques in a creative way. From what i can see your samples have a satisfactory level of quality.
It is interesting that you are not just documenting your samples through photography but you are also considering scale, proportion and the suggestion of motif repeat in the images. I think you could take this further, you could consider the samples within a space or on the body and document this. You suggest in your learning log that a sample could be very large in a space, why don’t you draw into your photographs or cut and paste your sample photo into a drawing or space to suggest how you could view it.
I have taken this on board as I absolutely love the idea of expanding my ideas by drawing into photographs and using photographs edited to project plans. I saw in fact that Christo used drawing on to photographs quite a lot!
I understand that you have struggled with the idea of a sketchbook and that you feel it slows you down or doesn’t really help, but I would like you to give it another go please !!!
Try to work in a sketchbook or create a sketchbook with loose pieces of paper. Don’t worry about it too much, just do it and we can then discuss it together in assignment 2. Think of ways you can document your work that is not just pencil and paper drawings. Use photography, collage, paint, tracing paper ( to lay over images and then work into), ink . Be experimental, have fun !! Use it as a place to explore ideas. You can put small samples here too or fabrics/ yarn/ trials. Images of work you find inspiring. I would like us to try and find a way for you to document your work and reflect on it visually as well as with text. I would love you to try and put down your ideas before you work, during and after, visually, somehow. Let’s keep working on this through this module …… We can crack it I am sure !!!
I still really struggle with this. I am very materials led when designing and creating and find a sketchbook an interruption to that process rather than an aid. It feels like a chore and unrelated to what I am making.
Context, reflective thinking, critical thinking, analysis
To add to your learning log please take a picture of all the work you have done and then show how you have selected the pieces you moved forward with. Can you also discuss this “sorting” stage.
Absolutely noted!
Think about the size of the images you put in your learning log , they are all very big at the moment and take a long time to look through. Please group them somehow (maybe by techniques or idea) and discuss and reflect on the images ( keep the text near to the images so it is easy for me to understand.) If there is then a sample that is more important to you then blow this up bigger maybe to show its importance.
You have some very interesting research in your learning log, i would like to know how this has impacted on your assignment. Do you feel it inspired you to make certain pieces? If so how? if not why?
Again, noted, I will incorporate this from now on.
You are reflecting well with some lovely observations, but remember to be really critical with your analysis of your own work. What has not worked in addition to what has worked, why, how, etc…..
Well done, I look forward to your next assignment.