ATV3 Colour Communication
I decided to create my own book using sturdy paper and hand binding. I knew I wouldn’t be able to stitch through the thick paper so I found a concertina binding method that would allow me to glue the paper to a binding made of thinner paper which could then be stitched. I had a lot of fun creating the book! I stitched the binding on my vintage sewing machine in the end which worked well. I love the pop of colour on the spine and in between the pages too.
I reflected on the work I had produced earlier in the assignment and choose the pieces I was happiest with to include in the book. The rest went in a sketchbook. I tried to be neater than I normally am to make a well presented book, there are still bits of glue that escaped but I think overall it looks good.
Here is a video of me flicking through the whole book: