The reason I finally and quite suddenly jumped in to applying for a textiles degree were found in the colours and textures but especially the textile installation in the Royal Academy summer show I visited in August. I got so very excited about the extremely large scale of the textile sculpture by Joana Vasconcelos that I realised I needed to do something that allowed me, inspired me, to make crazy fun creative things that weren’t useful or made from a pattern. I sew a lot and teach people to sew, and almost all of it is from patterns. I’m intrigued by pattern cutting and tailoring and the maths of it all. But I miss just being creative for the sake of it and had really just started realising and vocalising this. Inspired by the sheer volume of colourful and textural work on show I started hatching a plan…
And so I ended up finding the online textile degree I almost instantly enrolled on. I have so many ideas, so little time! I’m obsessing always over colour and texture and patterns. I see patterns and beauty in how the old phone cables crisscross the sky over the roads here. About the negative space between the leaves. The colours of the leaves on the pavement and how you couldn’t have placed them any better if you’d spend hours placing them, than where the tree had just casually dropped them. I touch cloth and stare at clothes and fondle yarn and create texture and colour when knitting. I’m addicted to knitting and will sometimes, often, rather stay in and knit rather than go out and be sociable (sh don’t tell anyone as they all think I’m very sociable!)
Here’s some things that have caught my eye in the last few weeks, anything from a tiled doorway to tube train fabric to rock formations and leaves always leaves…